Term Date
Last Name First Name Middle Address City State ZIP Telephone# Age Sex Birth Date Birthplace
School Last Attended Address Last Grade Completed
Family Information
Father's Name Employment Position Business Phone Cell# Email
Mother's Name Employment Position Business Phone Cell# Email
Emergency telephone number, other than those already listed: Marital Status: Married Divorced Widow Separated
Children in family of school age if not applying: Name Age
Reason they are not applying:
Church Attending Pastor Phone Father: Christian? Yes No Mother: Christian? Yes No Has applicant ever made a profession of faith in Christ? Yes No
Family Physician Phone# Does student have any physical defects or allergies? Yes No If yes, please explain: Has student received immunizations: Diphtheria Smallpox Polio
Has student ever been expelled, dismissed, suspended, or refused admission to another school? Yes No If yes, please explain: Has student ever had disciplinary difficulty at school? Yes No If yes, please explain: Does student have a juvenile or arrest record? Yes No If yes, please explain: Has student ever used tobacco or nonprescription drugs of any kind? Yes No If yes, please explain: Please indicate academic level of student's previous work: Excellent Good Average Poor Has student ever failed an academic subject in school? Yes No If yes, please explain:
How did you hear about this school? Reason for selecting this school:
Application must be filled out completely before it can be processed. Application, Registration, and Testing Fees of $ must accompany Application and are not refundable. An interview with the parents and the student will be required before final acceptance.