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119B N. Klevin
Anchorage, AK 99508
About Us |
Our mission at True Vine Ministries is marked out by Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 and is the assignment of every believer :
Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo I am with always, even until the end of the earth. Amen (Matthew 28:19-20)
We further endeavor to reach the lost, to assist in faith, support and prayers in the reconciliation of them back to our Heavenly Father, to raise spiritual soldiers in the Lord's Army and equip them to be restored back to their rightful place in God, VICTORIOUS AND PROSPEROUS.
Our History
True Vine Ministries in Anchorage, Alaska was established on October 23, 1991 by Bishop and Dr. Charles R. Hawkins and four additional members.
Since its inception, we have stayed true our roots and grown into a Bible preaching, teaching and applying family ministry.
We promote and facilitate the following ministries and are currently adding more ministries as the needs of our families grow:
True Vine Christian School - Pressing For The Prize Radio Program - Shekinah Music and Worship Through Arts Ministry - Teaching Ministry - Outreach Ministry - Usher and Greeters Ministry - Hospitality Ministry - Baptismal Ministry - Van Ministry - Men's Ministry - Women of Virtue Women's Ministry - Couples - Ministry - Fire Fitted Youth and Young Adult Ministry - Evangelism Ministry - Food Bank Ministry - Intercessory Prayer Ministry
We Believe....
The Scriptures:
We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and is inerrant in the original writings. The Bible being the revealed Word of God is the ground and foundation from which all claims of truth shall be substantiated. The Word of God is the final authority in all matters concerning the Kingdom of God.
We believe that there is only one true and living God existing in three persons- Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(Gen 1:1-3, 26; Matthew 3:16-17; John 1:1, 14, 10:30, 14:26, 15:26; Matthew 28:19)
Jesus Christ :
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten by the Holy Spirit , born of the virgin Mary, shed His blood on Calvary in our place, was buried, rose again and ascended to the Father according to the Scriptures. (Luke 1:26-33, 22:20, 24:46).
Holy Spirit:
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, God and co-existent with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit regenerates our soul and convicts us of sin and was left as the Comforter to the believer. The Holy Spirit baptizes the believer into the Body of Christ, permanently indwells him and seals him in salvation for all eternity. The Holy Spirit is the giver of spiritual gifts to the believer. (John 16: 1-13, Acts 5:3-4, Titus 3:5, Matthew 3:11, Ephesians 1:13-14, I Corinthians 12:1-11).
We believe that all who, in faith, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior are born again by the Holy Spirit and thus become the children of God. Salvation involves redemption , regeneration, sanctification and glorification. (Ephesians 1:7; Romans 10: 9-10, 5:7-11, Colossians 1:13-14, 21-22, John 17:16-22, 2Corinthians 5:17, 1Corinthians 6:19)